Actron Auto Trouble Shooter User Manual
- This professional level digital multimeter and engine Analyzer performs all standard electrical tests for on-car and bench troubleshooting, including tach, dwell, volts, ohms and diode. Features include a fold-out stand and test lead holders on back of tool for convenient lead storage.
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Bosch Automotive Service Solutions 28635 Mound Road, Warren, MI 48092 USA. Customer Service: 1-800-228-7667 Email: Data Protection Notice. Auto TroubleShooter Digital Multimeter Engine Analyzer This ingenious tool performs all standard electrical tests for on-car and bench troubleshooting. Locate faulty wiring, test electrical components, engine sensors, ignition and fuel systems and starting/charging system voltage. Actron Connect Login Online Spares X. Wall Hung Split Systems; Multi Split Systems. FAQ's & Troubleshooting. Frequently Asked Questions: 1. The air conditioner is not running at all and no control lights are on. Auto mode is recommended so the A/C unit will select heat in. Actron Diagnostics auto tool updates and downloads ensure your autoscanner remains working efficiently. Product manuals & additional information here.
Ignition Coil Switching Action
This test checks to see if the negative
terminal of the primary ignition coil is
getting switched ON and OFF via the
ignition module and camshaft / crank-
shaft position sensors. This switching
action is where the RPM or tach signal
originates. This test is primarily used for
a no start condition.
Test Procedure (see Fig. 29):
Fig. 29


1. Insert BLACK test lead into COM
test lead jack.
2. I n s e r t R E D t e s t l e a d i n t o
Auto Troubleshooter Sound Fix
test lead jack.
3. Connect RED test lead to TACH
signal wire.
• If vehicle is DIS (Distributorless
Ignition System), then connect RED
test lead to the TACH signal wire
going from the DIS module to the
vehicle engine computer. (refer to
Auto User Manuals
vehicle service manual for location
of this wire)
• For all vehicles with distributors,
Auto Troubleshooter Fix
connect RED test lead to negative
side of primary ignition coil. (refer
to vehicle service manual for loca-
tion of ignition coil)
4. Connect BLACK test lead to a good
vehicle ground.
5. Turn multimeter rotary switch
to correct CYLINDER selec-
tion in RPM.
6. View reading on display while
engine is cranking.
• Typical cranking RPM range
is 50-275 RPM depending on
temperature, size of engine,
and battery condition.
• Refer to vehicle service
manual for specific vehicle
cranking RPM range.
7. Test Results.
Good Coil Switching Action: Display
reading indicated a value consistent
with manufacturers specifications.
Bad Coil Switching Action:
• Display read zero RPM, meaning
the ignition coil is not being
switched ON and OFF.
• Check ignition system for wiring
defects, and test the camshaft and
crankshaft sensors.