Infj User Handling Guide And Manual

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Infj User Handling Guide And Manual

You have come into the possession of your very own INFJ unit, probably through a poetry slam at an underground coffee shop. In all likelihood, they have only offered you this manual after you expressed your intense love for Fight Club and organic tea. Your INFJ Care and Handling User Guide and Manual spacefather: “This manual is part of a series of guides originated by @intpboard Congratulations! You have come into the possession of your very own.

Congratulations! You have found yourself in the possession of one (1) INJF. This was a probably a long and tedious process. Kudos to you for persevering long enough to get to this point.

Supposedly, INFJs make up less that 1% of the population. Maybe that's just because they're so reclusive and private we don't know how many there actually are. If you have acquired an INFJ unit, please read your instruction manual carefully, then toss it out the window. You won't need it. INFJs do not like to conform to rules and expected social norms, as it makes them feel un-original and therefore, useless.In fact, they may do something unexpected just to keep you on your toes. INFJs thrive on surprises and may NOT do something just because it was expected.

When you get your INFJ, it comes with several programs that are pre-installed and they cannot be turned off or removed. These include:

THINKING.exe - This program always functions in the background. Always. They're thinking about what you just said, how that thing smells and it reminds them of a person from five years ago, why you turned away when you said that, and are they boring you?

EMOTION FILTER.exe - When placed in a network, an INFJ will absorb and filter all emotions emitting from the other units. These emotions are often amplified and sometimes reflected. This can be difficult for the INFJ unit, so they need a cool-down time after most social interactions to sort and file the collected emotions. While this can have a negative effect on the INFJ, it also allows them to be an excellent empathizer. Advanced INFJs have updated settings that allow them to block as well process other units' emotions.

CURIOSITY.exe - INFJs are insatiably curious, it's just part of the package. They like to take things apart, figure out how it works, why it works, and how it got here in the first place. Be forewarned that if you give the INFJ a partial information, they won't rest until they get the rest. INFJs are patient when it comes to figuring things out and will wait for years to ask you deeper questions if that's how long it takes you to be comfortable with them.

Alright, on to the standard modes of function. Make sure all cookies are enabled, as most units love cookies but INFJs run on them very well. INFJs come with four (4) standard modes of operation, but more can be purchased if you know where to look, and have plenty of time to install them.

OBSERVING (default)- The INFJ spends most of it's time in this mode. Rather than directly interact with other units, when placed in a group the INFJ will remain silent and take in information. How he looked at her, when she laughed at that joke, if you casually mention your favorite food. All information gathered in this mode goes to be filed. Unfortunately the INFJ unit's filing systems get overworked and sometimes lose important documents. These can sometimes be recovered in 'trash,' but it's not likely.

Infj user handling guide and manual pdf
PROTECTING - This mode functions simultaneously with the others if need arises, and can be activated by the physical or emotional need of another unit. INFJs will fiercely guard those that they love and are incredibly loyal. If anyone is being bullied, whether or not the INFJ knows them, the INFJ is likely to step in. Injustice is something they cannot stand. Ever.
In a subset of this mode you will find the thoughtful side of the INFJ. They will remember what you like and try to please you, if you have made it past the INFJ's virus blocker. They take a long time to become attached to another unit but once they are they will do almost anything to keep the relationship and the other unit happy and well.

WITHDRAWING - INFJs are the most likely units to develop depression. Perhaps it's from the way they process emotions. INFJ units function very well when processing others' emotions, but when it comes to their own, they often experience glitches, so they shut down. It could be they way they think and care so deeply about almost everything. INFJs are saddened when they are presented with a set of problems they can do nothing about. Even if they did nothing to cause the problem, if an INFJ can't help fix it, their Worthless pop-up must either be blocked or will stay open, which is not beneficial to the systems of your INFJ. In this mode you may experience lag and general un-enthusiasm for any of the INFJ's usual interests. Sleep mode will happen more frequently but will not solve any problems as the INFJ will be constantly tired and or fatigued. The best way to care for your INFJ unit in this mode is to sit beside them and give them a hug. Pray with them, and let them know you won't leave them. Do not try to fix or delete this mode, or the INFJ will react with the anti-virus guard. The only unit that can fix and/or delete this mode is the INTJ itself, with assistance from the Creator of the unit.

SLEEPING - This mode is exactly what it sounds like. Hours needed in this mode per week differ depending on which model of INFJ you have. **See also “Over-Emoting” and “Withdrawing.”

OVER-EMOTING (also referred to as “emotionally drunk”) - This mode usually happens in the absence of sleep mode, and is brought on by the over-run of the Emotional Filter. In the mode the unit will make no sense, and will probably start singing stupid theme songs to outdated television shows, laugh at packing labels on the Cassava flour, and make weird and random sound effects including but not limited to: boops, crashing sounds, oohs and ahs, and general shenanigans.

  1. Firstly, do not assume that just because the INFJ unit is not speaking to you it is upset. INFJs take a long time to process new information. Sometimes they need a long period of inactivity to produce one cohesive thought. If your unit is clearly already upset, ask what is wrong, gently. If the INFJ is unresponsive you have two choices, kill the page or wait for it to respond. Sit next to the INFJ and hold them. They will respond slowly but if they know you are truly listening they DO want to tell you what is running through their hard drive.

  1. At first glance it may seem like your INFJ is more of an extroverting unit. This is because INFJs will frequently leave home and search out social gatherings where they know they will find their other favorite units. Even though they do frequent these events, it’s really only for the one or two units and the cookies. INFJs tire quickly from small talk and social pleasantries and would much rather engage for longer periods of time in smaller groups of two (2) or less.

  1. No. By nature INFJs tend to make friends with extroverts. This can cause slight problems when the INFJ hears about your other friends, and your activities/special things with them, etc. Because INFJs are so loyal they generally have 2-3 close friendships, and these are enough. Many extroverts like a larger circle of friends with varying interests so that they never run out of things to keep them busy, occupied, and full of new ideas. The INFJ may have a hard time understanding why you are not as fulfilled by them as they are by you. This is nothing wrong in your part. Most INFJs can be updated to relax this setting. Check with your software before trying to update your INFJ.

Using this guide should get you pretty far when handling your INFJ. But if you want your experience to go above and beyond, here are some helpful tips on how to improve the running functions of your INFJ.

-Always operate with complete honesty. If you don’t want to tell your INFJ something, don’t. But don’t give them a part-truth. They would rather you hurt them with the whole truth than you comfort them with a lie.

-Remember things. Even it is something as small as “I remember that you take milk in your tea so I grabbed some cream for you.” The INFJ often uses this function to please other units, but rarely experiences it in reverse. If you use this method it guarantees you have one very pleased INFJ.

-Pay attention. An INFJ will often splurge all their emotions at once if you are paying attention and let them know you are willing to listen. Warning signs to an Emotion Glitch include complaints that seem to have more behind them, or general “flopping” (this can be presented physically or verbally).

Infj User Guide And Manual

-Spontaneity. As previously mentioned, INFJs thrive on the unexpected. They love to surprise others and be surprised themselves (as long as it’s not too extreme). Plan a last-minute hike or picnic, explore a new cafe, or bring your INFJ some tea when they’re freezing up over a new writing program.

User Manual

Again, congratulations on your new companion! One of the best things about an INFJ unit is their innate understanding. They want to accept you for who you truly are, all you have to do is let them in. If serviced properly your INFJ will serve you faithfully for many years. Good luck, and go have some spontaneous adventures.

{Don't know what the heck I'm talking about? Find more information on INFJs and all the other lovely personalities here.}