Lol Manual Patch 8.2 Download
League of Legends’ next big content patch is 8.2, introducing Arctic Ops Gragas, skin descriptions, as well as a host of balance and bug fixes, including changes to Ornn, Jinx, and Support Items. Have a look below for all the information we’ve got.
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Stay up to date with the League of Legends patch 8.3 notes.
LoL Patch 8.2 Release Date And Downtime
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We don’t know the exact release date for patch 8.2 yet, but the schedule is bi-weekly so expect it on Wednesday January 30. We’ll update when Riot do, but keep an eye on theserver maintenance pagefor the latest updates.
On that note, Riot have recently announced changes to League of Legends’ patch schedule. The new system will see major gameplay updates arrive every four weeks, instead of every two, although there will be smaller balance and bugfix changes in between.
LoL Patch 8.2 Balance Changes
That out of the way, let’s start with the really important bit, shall we? What you need to remember is that stuff on the PBE like this is neither guaranteed to happen, nor to be in the next patch even if it does. This is what the folks over at Riot are thinking about doing. We’ve got the numbers on what’s changing, and a general guideline on which way each champion, item, mastery, summoner spell or rune is moving.
Patch 8.2 Champion Changes
Ekko – buffed
- Bonus attack speed at level one increased to 10% from 0%.
Evelynn – nerfed
- Whiplash (E):
- Unempowered damage decreased to[3% max health (+1.5% per 100 AP)] from[4% max health (+2.5% per 100 AP)].
- Empowered damage decreasedto [4% max health (+2.5% per 100 AP)] from[6% max health (+3.5 per 100 AP)].
Ezreal – nerfed
- Mystic Shot (Q):
- Damage decreased to 15/40/65/90/115 from 35/55/75/97/115.
Jinx –changed
- Base AD decreased to 61 from 66.
- AD growth increased to 2.7 from 2.41.
- Get Excited (P):
- Attack speed no longer stacks
- Attack speed uncaps when Jinx is excited.
- Switcheroo! (Q):
- Bonus attack speed increased to 30/55/80/105/130% from 30/40/50/60/70%.
- Minigun attack speed no longer scales with Jinx’s level.
Kha’Zix – changed
- Unseen Threat (P):
- Bonus AD ratio decreased to 0.2 from 0.4.
- Taste Their Fear (Q):
- Bonus AD increased to 120% from 110%.
Malzahar – nerfed
- Call of the Void (Q):
- AP ratio decreased to 65% from 80%.
- Nether Grasp (R):
- Cooldown increased to 140/110/80 seconds from 120/100/80 seconds.
Nunu – buffed
- Consume (Q):
- New effect: Well Fed now additionally grants 3/5/7/9/11 (+5% AP) magic damage on basic attacks, stacking up to five times.
- Blood Boil (W):
- New effect: Now additionally increases AP by 40% for both targets (up to a maximum of 40/60/80/100/120 AP).
Ornn –nerfed
- Bellows Breath (W):
- Advance is no longer unstoppable.
- Call of the Forge God (R):
- Cooldown increased to 140/120/100 seconds from 130/100/70.
Pantheon – buffed
Lol Manual Patch Download
- Aegis of Zeonia (W):
- No longer blocks or is consumed by siege minion attacks.
Sona –buffed
- Hymn of Valor (Q):
- Mana cost decreased to 50/55/60/65/70 from 60/65/70/75/70.
Vayne – nerfed
- Attack speed growth decreased to 3.3% from 4%.
- Final Hour (R):
- Bonus AD decreased to 20/30/40 from 30/50/70.
Patch 8.2 Item Changes
Sightstone and Ruby Sightstone–removed
Talisman of Ascension, Face of the Mountain and Fost Queen’s Claim–removed
Ancient Coin, Relic Shield and Spellthief’s Edge lines–changed
- Quest gold value decreased to 500 from 750.
- Quest reward changed toGain Unique Active – Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150s. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.”
Relic Shield – changed
- Now notes “50% healing if the owner is ranged.”
Remnant of the Ascended–new item
- Formerly Eye of the Oasis
- Recipe: Nomad’s Medallion + Ruby Crystal +250g
Remnant of the Watchers–new item
- Formerly Eye of the Watchers
- Recipe: Frostfang + Ruby Crystal +250g
Remnant of the Aspect–new item
- Formerly Eye of the Equinox
- Recipe: Targon’s Brace + Ruby Crystal +250g
Runic Echoes –buffed
- Mana restored when an echo hits a large monster increased to 25% from 15%.
Patch 8.2 Rune Changes
- Armor and MR changed to [70-120] from [20 + 30%].
- Explosion damage changed to [10 – 120 (3% of your max health)(+15% of your bonus attack damage)(+10% of your ability power)] from[40 – 140 (+3.5% of your max health)].
Ghost Poro – buffed
- Vision radius increased to 450 units from 350 units.
Glacial Augment – buffed
- Ranged atttack slow increased to [30-40%] from [20-40%].
- Melee attack slow increased to [45-55%] from [40-50%]
- Freeze Ray slow increased to 60% from 50%.
Coup de Grace – nerfed
- Damage decreased to 7% from 9%.
Grasp of the Undying – changed
- Ranged champion rules changed to “Damage, healing, and permanent health gained reduced by 40%” from “Damage and healing are halved and gain 2 permanent health instead.”
- Cooldown increased to 70-40 seconds from 45.
- Shield value changed to 70-150 from 60-150.
- AP increased to 0.25% from 0.2%.
- Bonus health increased to 12% from 10%.
Kleptomancy – nerfed
- Drop rate significantly decreased in the first 15 minutes of the game.
- After 15 minutes, drop rate slightly decreased for melee, significantly decreased for ranged.
- Sell values decreased by around 20%.
Last Stand – nerfed
- Damage decreased to [5%-11%] from [5%-12%].
Triumph – nerfed
- Gold on takedown decreased to 20 from 25.
Zombie Ward – nerfed
- Ward duration changed to 60-180 seconds from 180 seconds.
LoL Patch 8.2 New Skins
There are no skins coming out this time around, but Patch 8.2 will introduce skin descriptions. These small snippets of lore will be gradually worked into the game over time through the new Skins Collection tab. You can find out more here. You’ll also now be able to see which skins your allies have selected in the pre-game lobby – more info here.
For even more skin goodness, patch 8.2 will also be rolling out updated splash arts for Miss Fortune. Six skins have been updated, so check them out below:
Cowgirl Miss Fortune
Waterloo Miss Fortune
Secret Agent Miss Fortune
Candy Cane Miss Fortune
Road Warrior Miss Fortune
Mafia Miss Fortune
LoL Patch 8.2 Login Screen
Each patch has its own login screen with unique music. 8.2 is currently showing off two different login screens for the start of the new season. Visually they’re pretty much the same, but each has a different set of music in behind it. You can check both of them out below.
LoL Patch 8.2 Context and Notes
The biggest change in 8.2 is the removal of Sightstone from the game, so here’s an explanation of the hows and whys of that decision from ItsLowbo.
Here’s Meddler with the first gameplay thoughts of 2018, discussing game pacing, upcoming changes to Rengar, and the ups and downs of patches 8.1 and 8.2. They were followed up with gameplay thoughts from January 10, discussing minion aggro and changes to Unseasled Spellbook. Gameplay thoughts from January 12 discuss changes to Sightstone, and the addition of vision score to the scoreboard. Gameplay thoughts from January 16 discuss upcoming changes to Lucian (coming in 8.3 or 8.4, and visual updates to Cho’gath’s spells coming in patch 8.3.
Here’s context on the changes to Guardian and Aftershock, and the Jinx changes, as well as the release timings for the skins currently on PBE.
Minions now have an ‘inventory’, explaining some of their mechanics, such as taking reduced tower damage and giving buffs to surrounding minions.
Some further changes to turrets will be coming in sometime this cycle.
That’s League of Legends patch 8.2. We’ll update as and when we get more info, or we’ll see you for patch 8.3 in the very near future. Let us know below if there’s any vital info we missed!
League of Legends’ next big content patch is 8.1, introducing the 2018 season, as well as a host of balance and bug fixes. So far, they include changes to Graves and Cassiopeia, as well as several changes around the Forbidden Idol item lines. Have a look below for all the information we’ve got, straight from the PBE.
As an added note, some of these changes will have already gone live as part of patch 7.24b, released back in December – we’ll flag those up where necessary.
Keep up to date with the latest live changes with the League of Legends patch 7.24 notes.
LoL Patch 8.1 Release Date And Downtime
Patch 8.1 will go live on January 16 at 03:00 PT for NA, 05:00 GMT for EUW and 03:00 CET for EUNE. Expect there to be maintenance starting at this time, and when the servers come back up it’ll be on the new patch. We’ll update when Riot do, but keep an eye on theserver maintenance pagefor the latest updates.
LoL Patch 8.1 Balance Changes
That out of the way, let’s start with the really important bit, shall we? What you need to remember is that stuff on the PBE like this is neither guaranteed to happen, nor to be in the next patch even if it does. This is what the folks over at Riot are thinking about doing. We’ve got the numbers on what’s changing, and a general guideline on which way each champion, item, mastery, summoner spell or rune is moving.
Aatrox –buffed in patch 7.24b
- Base AD increased to 70 from 68.
- Dark Flight (Q):
- Damage increased to20/50/80/110/140from 10/35/60/95/120.
- Blades of Torment (E):
- Damage increasedto 80/120/160/200/240 from75/115/155/195/235.
Brand – buffed
- Blaze (Passive):
- Damage increased to 4% of maximum health from 2% of maximum health.
Cassiopeia –buffed in patch 7.24b
- Noxious Blast (Q):
- Mana cost decreased to 50/55/60/65/70 from 60/65/70/75/80.
- Twin Fang (E):
- AP increased to 60% from 50%.
Corki –nerfed in patch 7.24b
- Base AD decreased to 60 from 63.
- AD per level decreased to 3 from 3.5.
Graves –buffed
- End of the Line (Q):
- Cooldown decreased to 13/12/11/10/9 seconds from 14/13/12/11/10 seconds.
- Mana cost decreased to 60/65/70/75/80 from 60/70/80/90/100.
- Smoke Screen (W):
- Slow increased to 50%at all ranks from 15/20/25/30/35%.
- Slow duration decreased to 0.5 seconds from 1.5 seconds.
Heimerdinger –nerfed
- H-28G Evolution Turret (Q):
- Upgrade!!! empowered turret beam damage decreased to 100/140/180 from 200/270/340.
Jayce –nerfed in patch 7.24b
- Thundering Blow (Hammer E):
- Cooldown increased to20/18/16/14/12 secondsfrom 15/14/13/12/11/10.
Katarina –nerfed in patch 7.24b
- Shunpo (E):
- Damage decreased to 15/30/45/60/75 from 30/45/60/75/90.
Kayle – nerfed
- Righteous Fury (E):
- Cooldown changed to 18/17/16/15/14 seconds from 16 seconds at all ranks.
- Attack damage growth decreased to 2.2 from 2.8.
- Innate bonus attack speed decreased to 10% from 15%.
Kayn –buffed in patch 7.24b
- AD increased to 3.3 from 2.8.
- The Darkin Scythe (Darkin Passive):
- Heal increased to 34.5-43% from 26-43%.
Kled –buffed in patch 7.24b

- Base AD increased to 65 from 63.
- AD grwoth increased to 3.5 from 3.
- Jousting (E):
- Damage increased to35/60/85/110/135 from25/50/75/100/125.
Morgana –hotfixed
These changes were hotfixed to live on December7.
- Health growth decreased to 90 from 98.
- Damage to heal conversion ratio decreased to 20% at all ranks from 15/20/25/30/35/40%.
- Tormented Soil (W):
- Cooldown increased to 12 seconds from 10 seconds.
Renekton –buffed in patch 7.24b
- Base AD increased to 69 from 66.
- AD growth increased to 3.75 from 3.1.
Skarner – buffed
- Fracture (E):
- Proc damage increased to 30/50/70/90/110 from 25/35/45/55/65.
- Proc stun duration increased to 1.5 seconds from 1 second.
- Base mana increased to 320 from 272.2.
Teemo –nerfed in patch 7.24b
- HP growth decreased to 90 from 94.
- Base AD decreased to 54 from 58.
Yasuo –buffed in patch 7.24b
- MR growth increased to 1.25 from 0.5.
- Steel Tempest (Q):
- Damage increased to 20/45/70/95/120 from 20/40/60/80/100.
- Last Breath (R):
- Range increased to 1400 from 1200.
Zoe – nerfed
- Sleepy Trouble Bubble (E):
- Delay before trap is created increased to 0.8 seconds from 0.6 seconds.
- Portal Jump (R):
- Delay before exit portal appears decreased to 0 seconds from 0.1 seconds.
Patch 8.1 Runes Changes
- Predator–changed
- New effect: If Predator’s channel is interrupted, 50% of the cooldown is now refunded.
- New effect: If Predator’s bonus damage is proc’d via an AoE ability, it will now prioritize the lowest-health target hit.
- New effect: Predator’s rate of movement speed increase is increased by 50% for the first 1.5 seconds of the eddect.
LoL Patch 8.1 New Skins
Second most important: cosmetics. Lovely, gorgeous cosmetics. Bit more of a visual medium this, so we’ve grabbed the best videos of each skin, as well as a lovely pic or two. Some are relatively simple changes, while others are total reworks of every part of the champion outside the gameplay numbers – new VO, new animations, new particles and the rest. It’s generally defined by how much they cost, so we’ve detailed that as well.
God Staff Jax
Patch Notes Lol
Here’s his splash:
LoL Patch 8.1 Login Screen
Each patch has its own login screen with unique music. They’re always fairly excellent, though 8.1’s hasn’t appeared yet – expect it in the next week or so. It will likely be based around God Staff Jax or the start of the 2018 season.
Lol Manual Patch 8.2 Download Free
LoL Patch 8.1 Context and Notes
Patch schedules will be a little different around the holidays, so Maple Nectar has anupdate– 7.24 should be live now, it’s mini balance patch should be up around December 14 (to avoid a month-long gap between 7.24 and 8.1), and 8.1 should launch on January 9 or 10.
The latest update sees context for theAatrox changes, as well aschanges coming to Miss Fortunein the 7.24b micropatch.
Meddler’sgameplay thoughts from December 8document changes to Forbidden Idol, Grasp of the Undying, and the rest of the Resolve tree.
In the last gameplay updates of 2017, Meddler discusses the nerfs to Heimerdinger, upcoming changes to Tryndamere and Master Yi (currently scheduled for patch 8.2), and the current state of Evelynn.
That’s League of Legends patch 8.1. We’ll update as and when we get more info, or we’ll see you for patch 8.2 in the very near future. Let us know below if there’s any vital info we missed!